Conrad Schnitzler 'Live ’72' (Further) 01/07/11 (Reissue)
Radiohead 'Little By Little / Lotus Flower' (Ticker Tape Ltd / XL) 04/07/11 (Single)
Pelican Daughters 'Fishbones and Wishbones' (Forced Nostalgia) 04/07/11 (Compilation)
Various 'Motor City Drum Ensemble's DJ-Kicks' (!K7) 04/07/11 (Compilation)
Various 'New Masters Series Vol 3: Justus Kohncke - Fussmaschine' (Nang) 04/07/11 (Compilation)
Naum Gabo / Franz Underwear 'Whop! / Grauzone' (World Unknown) 09/07/11 (Single)
Neville Watson / Apiento 'One Four Green / The Orange Place' (World Unknown) 09/07/11 (Single)
Osunlade 'Envision Remixes' (Innervisions) 11/07/11 (Single)
Death In June 'DISCriminate' (Soleilmoon) 11/07/11 (Reissue)
Juno Reactor 'Inside the Reactor' (Metropolis) 12/07/11 (Compilation)
S.C.U.M. 'Amber Hands' (Mute) 18/07/11 (Single)
Various 'K' (Cocoon) 18/07/11 (Compilation)
Death In June 'Nada Plus' (Out of Line) 20/07/11 (Reissue)
Mika Vainio 'Life (…It Eats You Up)' (Editions Mego) 26/07/11 (Album)
Pyrolator 'Neuland2' (Bureau B) 29/07/11 (Single)